Eastern Tailed-Blue on Cosmos
Riding on Marigold Waves
Gray Tree Frog on Sunflower Leaf
Golden-green Sweat Bee on St. John's wort
St. John's Wort in Monochrome
Scarlet Flax and Cucumber Beetle
Crab Spider on Her Throne
Green Sweat Bee on Forget-me-nots
Soldier Beetle and Micro-insect on Poppy
Soldier Beetle on Mexican Sunflower
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Butterfly Bush
Meadowhawk on Timothy Grass
Ethereal Lightness of Change - Dandelion
Ethereal Lightness of Change - Salsify
Ethereal Lightness of Change - Milkweed
Ethereal Lightness of Change - Windswept Field
After the Rain - Barberry
Golden Acorn
Unfurling Rose in Monochrome
American Lotus Blossom
After the Rain - Spring Beauty in Moss
Assassin Bug on Allium
Love-in-a-mist with Tumbling Flower Beetle
Sleeping Beauties - Golden Sweat Bee on Butterfly Weed
Sleeping Beauties - Green Sweat Bee on Mountain Mint
After the Rain - Mexican Sunflower
On the Edge - Cosmos
Moonflower Rising in Monochrome
After the Rain - American Royal Fern Fiddle
Hay-scented Fern at Dolly Sods
Bark Spider on Coreopsis Bud
Versute Sharpshooter on Mexican Sunflower
Assassin Bug on Butterfly Bush
Budding Zinnia
Bread of Life - Pollinating Mexican Sunflower
Light on Ice
Morning Glory Vine
Calligrapher Fly on Corn Flower
Bee Fly on Coreopsis
Wind-kissed on Cosmos - Eastern Tailed-Blue